Analogy or Similarity Tips and Tricks, Types of Analogy questions
Posted on : 26-11-2018 Posted by : Admin


Analogy means Similarity or equivalence. It is derived from two French words, ‘Ana’ meaning relation and ‘Logus’ meaning knowledge. Analogy is an important section in Reasoning. Here the ability of the candidates to compare and make decisions is tested. Competitive exam aspirants must be able to understand diverse relationships between various elements, things, terms etc. The candidates need to form proper relations among the given items based on some similarities.

It is pretty simple to recognize common features between given items. The given figures may have similarity in movement, rotation, shape, size etc. It depends on the candidate ability on how well he can identify the similarity.

Candidates can develop and improve such ability through thorough practice of the questions and answers. Our practice test section has hundreds of questions for you to practice the questions. Moreover we have detailed explanations and solutions for each and every question.

Types of analogy questions

Questions on Analogy mostly cover the topics which we observe in our day-to-day life. Below is the list of topics commonly asked in examinations:

  1. Alphabets
  2. Shapes
  3. Quantity and units
  4. Numbers
  5. State and capital
  6. Disease and causative organism
  7. Animal and living place
  8. Animal and its food
  9. Parents and child relationships
  10. Industry and product
  11. Raw material and final product
  12. Action and reaction
  13. Instruments and measurements
  14. Word and antonym
  15. Word and synonym

Examples of the analogy questions

Instrument and Measurement

Barometer: Pressure : : Thermometer: ?

Barometer is the instrument which measures atmospheric pressure

Thermometer is the instrument which measures the temperature. Hence, temperature is the correct anology for thermometer.

Individual and Class

Lizard: Reptiles :: Man: ?

Lizard belongs to the class Reptiles where as man belongs to the class Mammals

Ostrich: Bird : : Butterfly: ?

Ostrich belongs to the class Birds while Butterfly is an insect

Male and female similarities

Stag: Doe :: Son: ?

Doe is the female counterpart of Stag while Daughter is the female counterpart of Son

Tiger: Tigeress :: Nephew: ?

Tigress is the female counterpart of Tiger whereas Niece is the female counterpart of Nephew

Animal and living place

Bee: Apiary :: Dog:?

Bee lives in an apiary where as Dog lives in a kennel

Monk: Monastery:: Fish :?

Monk lives in a monastry while Fish lives in an aquarium

Word Synonym

Blend: Mix:: Presume: ?

Mix is the synonym of blend while Assume is the synonym of Assume

Vacant: Empty:: Brim: ?

Empty is the synonym of Vacant while Brim is the synonym of edge

Word Antonym

Sink: Float:: Cruel: ?

Sink is the Antonym of Float while Cruel is the antonym of Kind

Initial: Final:: Brim: ?

Final is the Antonym of Initial while Ignore is the Antonym of Notice

***Apart from the above explained examples, some unusual relations are also asked in the examinations. The candidate needs to deduce the relation in the question words to get the answer. For example,


Here as we can observe that the position of every first and second alphabet is interchanged. So the answer will be OBTTEL

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