Number System: Basic Number Theory, arithmetic progression, Geometric progression
Posted on : 14-02-2019 Posted by : Admin

The following are the important points of basic number theory. Each of these is very important for solving simple to complex mathematical equations.

  • Square of every even number is an even number.

Example: 2×2=4, 6×6=36...

All the products are even.

  • Square of every odd number is an odd number.

Example: 3×3=9, 5×5=25...

All the products are odd.

  • A number obtained by squaring a number doesn’t have 2, 3, 7 or 8 at its units place.

Example: 1×1=1, 2×2=4, 3×3=9…

Here we can observe that no number has 2, 3, 7 or 8 in units place.

  • Sum of first n natural numbers = n(n+1)2

Example: Let us consider the sum of first 5 natural numbers i.e. n=5.


By applying n=5 in the formula we get,


  • Sum of first odd numbers = n2.

Example: Sum of first 4 odd numbers is 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 =16. By applying n = 4 in the formula. Sum = 42 = 16

  • Sum of first n even numbers = n(n+1)

Example: Sum of first 5 even numbers is 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 = 30. By applying n = 5 in the formula. Sum = 5 (5+1) = 5 × 6 = 30

  • Sum of squares of first n natural numbers = n(n+1) (2n+1)6

Example: Sum of squares of first 4 natural numbers is 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 = 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 = 30.

By applying n = 4 in the formula we get,

4(4+1) (2(4)+1)6=(20) (9)6=30

  • Sum of cubes of first n natural numbers = n(n+1)22

Example: Sum of cubes of first 3 natural numbers is 13 + 23 + 33 = 36

By applying n = 3 in the formula we get,

3(3+1)22=1222 = 62 = 36

  • Every prime number greater than 3 can be written in the form of (6k+1) or (6k-1) where k is an integer.

Example: Assume the value of k=1, we get 6(1) +1, 6(1) -1=7, 5.

There are 15 prime numbers between 1 and 50 and 10 prime numbers between 50 and 100.

  • If p divides q and r, then p divides their sum and difference also.

Example: 4 divides 12 and 20, then 20+12=32 and 20-12=8 are also divisible by 4.

  • For any natural number n, (n3-n) is divisible by 6.

Example: Applying n=2 in the equation, 23-2=6 is divisible by 6.

  • The product of three consecutive natural numbers is always divisible by 6.

Example: Let us take the product 7×8×9=56×9, which is divisible by 6.

  • (xm–am) is divisible by (x-a) for all values of m.

Example: Let us take m=2, x2-a2 can be written as (x + a) (x - a) is divisible by (x-a)

  • (xm – am) is divisible by (x + a) for even values of m.

Example: Let us take m=2, x2-a2 can be written as (x + a) (x – a) is divisible by(x + a)

  • (xm + am) is divisible by (x + a) for odd values of m.

Example: Let us take m=3, x3+a3 can be written as (x + a) (x2 – ax + a2) is divisible by (x + a)

Arithmetic Series

The series represented by a, (a + d), (a + 2d)…is known as arithmetic series.

Here a=1st term, d=common difference.


(a) nth term = a + (n – 1) d

(b) Sum of n terms = n22a+n-1d

(c) Sum of n terms = n2a+l, where l=last term

Let us take the series with 1st term a=1 and common difference d=2.

The series will be written as 1, 3, 5, 7….

In this the 10th term can be written as 10th term=1+ (10-1) 2=1+9×2=1+18=19

(Where a=1, d=2, n=10)

The sum of 10 terms can be written as,

1022×1+10-12=52+92=520 = 100

Geometric Series

The series represented by a, ar1, ar2, ar3… is known as geometric series.

a=1st term, r=common ratio.


(a) nth term=arn-1

(b) Sum of n terms = a1-rn1-r, when r<1

(c) Sum of n terms = arn-1r-1, when r>1

Let us take the series with 1st term a=1 and common ratio r=2.

In this the 10th term can be written as 1×2(10-1) = 29=512

Sum of 10 terms is,

1210-12-1 =1024-1=1023

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