Practice Test Discussion


Directions: Given below are six sentences (A), (B), (D), (E) and (F) which are jumbled up. Rearrange these sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the given questions.

[SBI (PO), 2013]

  1. The group desired to enhance the learning experience in schools with an interactive digital medium that could be used within and outside the classroom.
  2. Then the teacher can act on the downloaded data rather than collect it from each and every student and thereby save his time and effort.
  3. Edutor, decided the group of engineers, all alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology, when they founded Edutor Technologies in August 2009.
  4. They can even take tests and submit them digitally using the same tablets and the teacher in turn can download the tests using the company's cloud services.
  5. With this desire they created a solution that digitises school text books and other learning material so that students no longer need to carry as many books to school and back as before, but can access their study material on their touch-screen tablets.
  6. A mechanic works on motors and an accountant has his computer. Likewise, if a student has to work on a machine of device, what should it be called?


Which of the following sentences should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

  • Explanation

    1. Sentence C is of course the next argument that answers the question raised in the first statement.
    2. Sentence A supports the theme of the argument C and validates it by explaining the desire to learning experience.
    3. Sentence E will follow A that synchonises 'desire' stated in A.
    4. Sentence D supports argument stated in E related to the digitalisation.
    5. Sentence B concludes the whole discussion that elaborates the Pros of the digital education.
      Hence, FCAEDB is the correct sequence.

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