Practice Test Discussion


If the mirror is placed on the line XY, then identify the correct mirror image of the given question figure from the answer figures.

Solved mirror image questions, concept of Mirror images, general aptitude, Mirror image questin answers, Previous solved papers, clock based Mirror image, figure based Mirror image, alpha numeric Mirror image, alphabet Mirror image,number based Mirror image, mirror reflections, mirror inversion

  • Explanation

    Solved mirror image questions, concept of Mirror images, general aptitude, Mirror image questin answers, Previous solved papers, clock based Mirror image, figure based Mirror image, alpha numeric Mirror image, alphabet Mirror image,number based Mirror image, mirror reflections, mirror inversion

    In the mirror image,
    • The right side of the object becomes the left side
    • The left side of the object becomes the right side
    • The top and bottom sides of the object remain unchanged

    Hence answer figure 2 is correct.


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    Mirror images

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