Practice Test Discussion


PASSAGE 7 (Questions 1-5)

Directions: In the below given passage, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. Five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Information technology and the hardware and software __(1)__ with the IT industry, are an __(2)__ part of nearly __(3)__ major global industry. IT industry has become one of the most robust industries in the world. IT, more than any other industry or economic __(4)__ has an increased productivity, particularly in the developed world and therefore, is a key driver of global economic growth. Economies of scale and __(5)__ demand from both consumers and enterprises __(6)__ this rapidly growing sector.


Select the appropriate word for blank 1.

  • Explanation

    Here, a participle form of verb is required. 'associated' and 'regulated' are two such options out of which regulated takes 'by' and associated takes 'with'.

    Hence option 'C' is correct.

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