Number Series-Test 7 (Complete Revision)


In series 1, only one number is wrong. If the wrong number is corrected, the series gets established following a certain logic. Complete series 2 with same logic and answer the given question.

Series 1: 1 2 8 33 148 740 4626
Series 2: 2 a b c d e f

What will come in place of (d) ?


In series 1, only one number is wrong. If the wrong number is corrected, the series gets established following a certain logic. Complete series 2 with same logic and answer the given question.

Series 1: 2 4.5 11 30 93 312 1136
Series 2: 1 a b c d e f

What will come in place of (b) ?


In series 1, only one number is wrong. If the wrong number is corrected, the series gets established following a certain logic. Complete series 2 with same logic and answer the given question.

Series 1: 2 14 18 46 82 176 338
Series 2: 4 a b c d e f

What will come in place of (e) ?


In series 1, only one number is wrong. If the wrong number is corrected, the series gets established following a certain logic. Complete series 2 with same logic and answer the given question.

Series 1: 1 3 7 11 21 43 85
Series 2: 4 a b c d e f

What will come in place of (f) ?


What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

1338, 447, 150, 51, 18, ? 


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