Practice Test Discussion


There is a leak in the bottom of the cistern can empty a full tank in 18 minutes. When the tank is full, another tap is opened into the tank which admit 16 liters per hour and the tank is now emptied in 24 minutes. What is the capacity of the tank?

  • Explanation

    Since the leak can empty the tank in 8 min,
    In 1 hour, part of the tank emptied =118

    After opening the tap
    In 1 hour, part of the tank emptied =124

    Let us consider the tap fills the tank in x hours.
    So, In 1 hour, part of the tank filled by the tap=1x

    According to the question,


    upon cross multiplication and solving we get x = 72

    Since the tap admits 6 liters of water per hour, it will admit 16×72=1152 liters of water

    Hence option C is correct.

    For more Short tricks and formulae click 

    Pipes and cisterns

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